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Wednesday, August 16, 2017

How to grow hair faster? - Hair loss Solution

In this new entry, friends will be explaining how to grow hair faster; this is one of the essential tips on the hair loss solution. This publication is more aimed at women but it should be noted that most of the recommendations we will make below also work for men.

 Let's start!

How to grow hair faster?

There are many methods, even natural treatments or as they are known in some parts of the world as home remedies but we will focus on the following points.

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Hair Transplant - Hair Loss Solution

Hair transplant is usually used to treat cases of baldness of hereditary origin (androgenetic). It consists of extracting follicular units from the sides and back of the head where the follicles remain for life (regardless of where they are placed) and are implanted in the upper part of the head. The fact that the person retains hair on the sides and back does not mean that the patient is aware of what can be achieved and it is very important that the doctor has the ability to be able to make each patient understand what are the expectations that can reach According to the area to be covered and the donor area available.

Hair loss in men and women is a severe aesthetic and emotional problem. In the case of andro-genetic alopecia or typical male baldness implies being older and with loss of facial proportion and recovering that aesthetic proportion is the main purpose of this procedure; However it can also be used to restore eyelashes, eyebrows, beard, body hair and to fill scars that result from accidents, burns or surgeries.
The most recent techniques are to obtain and to plant the hair as it is born. In humans it can be found in groups of 1 to 4 hairs, called follicular units.