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Saturday, August 5, 2017

Hair Transplant - Hair Loss Solution

Hair transplant is usually used to treat cases of baldness of hereditary origin (androgenetic). It consists of extracting follicular units from the sides and back of the head where the follicles remain for life (regardless of where they are placed) and are implanted in the upper part of the head. The fact that the person retains hair on the sides and back does not mean that the patient is aware of what can be achieved and it is very important that the doctor has the ability to be able to make each patient understand what are the expectations that can reach According to the area to be covered and the donor area available.

Hair loss in men and women is a severe aesthetic and emotional problem. In the case of andro-genetic alopecia or typical male baldness implies being older and with loss of facial proportion and recovering that aesthetic proportion is the main purpose of this procedure; However it can also be used to restore eyelashes, eyebrows, beard, body hair and to fill scars that result from accidents, burns or surgeries.
The most recent techniques are to obtain and to plant the hair as it is born. In humans it can be found in groups of 1 to 4 hairs, called follicular units.

The modern history of hair transplant begins with Dr. Norman Orentreich, who in 1959 presented to the New York Academy of Sciences his "punch" grafting technique to repair areas of baldness or alopecia, the legacy of this The first technique is controversial, because in some cases this technique produced anti-esthetic results. This is because the "punch" grafts are pieces of skin with hair, obtained with a punch of approximately 4 millimeters in diameter. Its growth in the balding or receptor area produces an appearance commonly known as "old wrist hairs". However, these early works and Dr. Orentreich's observations about how transplanted hair is preserved for life independent of bald skin being considered a "non-fertile" tissue, remain as basic foundations in hair transplantation . For a few years, Dr. Alvi Armani has revolutionized the technique of capillary transplants, through the method of extraction using the method Máximus Fue and the natural results obtained.
Hair transplant is currently performed under local anesthetic, is ambulatory and can last between 2 and 8 hours on average. That depends on the area of ​​the scalp that we want to repopulate. The main concepts of a natural-looking hair transplant are: • Location of the first line of hair - design. • Natural angle. • Density. • Closing the temple angle.
The art of a hair transplant is not simply the technical skill of the doctor, but it is very important his aptitude for the design especially when creating the frontal line of the hair.
Extraction methods
These are the three most known extraction techniques:
1.' Extraction of Follicular Units with Strip or FUS (Follicular Unit Strip Surgery) technique: The method of extraction of follicular units with strip (FUS) is performed with a scalpel, where a longitudinal cut is made for subsequent removal of the scalp. In this method the scarring is slow and has a more painful recovery, leaving a scar that can vary between 18 and 20 centimeters in length, so that the patient will be limited in his haircut to be able to keep the scar hidden. In this technique the donor zone is limited since the low elasticity of the scalp does not allow to perform more than two or three procedures. It does not allow the selection of follicles because they are obtained in block fit follicles and not suitable for transplantation.
The suture can be done in a trichophytic way, allowing the hair of the area to grow through the scar and this is practically invisible. Once the extraction is done, the strip will be dissected in follicular units of 1, 2 and 3 hairs and will be prepared for implantation. The process usually takes about 6 to 7 hours and is done under local anesthesia. With this technique, up to 3000 follicular units can be obtained, and up to two interventions can be done in case the hair loss zone is extensive.

2. Follicular Unit Extraction: The manual FUE method consists of extracting the follicular units individually through a special surgical instrument: a microscopic punch (usually about 0.8 mm Diameter) that can be manual or automatic and in a random way from the donor site. This method is minimally invasive: it does not require cuts or sutures, so the healing process is much

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